On a follow-up call to the case on the 11th of March 2014, Mrs Beauty Akpan-Annantram informed RAP-Nigeria that she had to obtain a lawyer from Sapele to file for bail at Ministry of Justice and on getting home, she received a call that she should go out of state to file for bail and justice as Godwill Obielum has threatened them not to touch the case. RAP-Nigeria has taken interest in this distressed call as it is evident from all communications and documents produced by Mrs Beauty Akpan-Annantram that she has tried to find justice for her husband - Chief Hon.Sylvanus Annantram-Ossai and be heard by those who are suppose to enforce the law, protect property, and limit civil disorder for the protection of public safety and the rights of all persons and no response to her letters written to D.P.O, Ashaka Police Station, Ndokwa East, Delta State; Hon. Commissioner of Police, Asaba, Delta State and Cc. The Executive Governor, Delta State; Assistant Inspector General of Police(AIG), Nigerian Police Force, Zone 5, Benin to effect fair justice action to date RAP-Nigeria in analysis of information received on phone-communication and documents directly from Mrs Beauty Akpan-Annantram on this case of unlawful detention of her husband - Chief Hon.Sylvanus Annantram-Ossai and our investigation of the names of persons in play in this case, questions in mind along with what is the motive of main player Nebuchadnezzar of Delta are:
1) Where is the guarantee against inhuman treatment in Delta State in this case as specified in section 19 of the 1963 Constitution, which appears same as some of the fundamental rights guaranteed in England, contained in Articles 19 and 40 which states – “no freeman may be taken or imprisoned, or disused of his freehold or liabilities in free customs or be outlawed or exiled or in any way molested nor judged or condemned except by lawful judgment or in accordance with the law of the land ,and the crown or its ministers may not imprison or coerce the subject in an arbitrary manner” 2) In reference to this case, has the officials of the Nigeria Police Force fulfilled the purpose of its designation as Section 194 of the 1979 constitution as the national police [enforce the law, protect property, and limit civil disorder] of Nigeria with exclusive jurisdiction throughout the country? 3) Is the Nigeria Police force involved in this case exempted or beyond the International human rights law that is binding on all States and their agents, including law enforcement officials? - As Human Rights is a legitimate subject for international law and scrutiny. Law enforcement officials are obliged to know, and to supply, international standards for human rights. Law enforcement officials shall at all times respect and obey the law, at all times fulfil the duty imposed on them by law, by serving the community and by protecting all persons against illegal acts, consistent with the high degree of responsibility required by their profession , they shall not commit any act of corruption and shall rigorously oppose and combat all such acts ; respect and protect human dignity and maintain and uphold the human rights of all persons and report violations of those laws, codes and sets of principles which protect and promote human rights. All police action shall respect the principles of legality, necessity, non-discrimination, proportionality and humanity at all times. 4) Has the officials of Nigeria Police Force involved in this case as every law enforcement agency fulfilled the human right standard as a representative and responsive with accountability to the community as a whole? 5) Has police officials involved in this case abused their position of a duty to serve the community and exercise their functions, powers and duties as impartial servants of the general public and the Government of the day without participating directly in political activities? 6) Has the post of any of the officials involved in this case, compromised the rule of no member of the police may be ordered or forced to exercise his or her functions or powers or deploy police resources to promote or undermine any political party or interest group, or any member of such a party or group? 7) Has the police officials in this case exercised their duty to uphold the rights of and afford protection to all political parties, persons and organizations equally without fear or favour in the exercise of his or her rights and freedoms, as every-one shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law. 8) In this case, has the limitations on the exercise of rights and freedoms fulfilled to secure recognition and respect for the rights of others, and in meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and general welfare in a democratic society as Nigeria? 9) In this case, has there been an infringement of : a) Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his or her country, directly or through freely chosen representatives? b) The will of the people shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage c) Everyone has the rights to freedom of opinion, expression, assembly and association? 10) Has the police officials in this case, maintained political independence and impartiality at all times as expected of them to carry out all duties impartially and without discrimination on such grounds as race, colour, sex, language, religion or politics? 11) Have the police officials in this case, performed their duty to protect and respect the human rights of all persons, including rights essential to political processes, by maintaining and preserving social order so that democratic political processes can be conducted constitutionally and legally?
RAP-NIGERIA recognises that kidnapping in which Chief Hon.Sylvanus Annantram-Ossai said he has been framed and accused of, carries a penal offense and by Human Rights Standards, he shall be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a fair trial [Universal declaration ARTICLE 11. Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty]. But telephone communications with Mrs Beauty Akpan-Annantram and reading of the documents[Marked Appx.1-6c] and picture evidence of bullet holes on door and arson on their residence [Marked Appx.7&8] produced by her in relation to finding justice for her husband who has been unlawfully detained since 29th January 2014, one can not but wonder how an accused kidnapper has earlier also lodged a petition of arson that has not yet been investigated on an ex-police officer -Godwill Obielum and a named Prince Anim [working for ex-police officer –Godwill Obielum] whom identified him - Chief Hon.Sylvanus Annantram-Ossai as a kidnapper that led to his detention. Does this case look like an unfounded criminal prosecution with defamation, invasion of privacy, abuse of the legal process, malicious prosecution? As Godwill Obielum seem to be the Nebuddchzer of Delta, as the main core player of this case as Appx.3a-b&6a-c, it is noted the case file of the kidnap has his Asaba residential address and Felix Melenu as complainant, who is uncle of Chucks Ogbum [ alleged to have been kidnapped] , who on the directive of Godwill Obielum, on 12th December 2013 hired 2 young men to kill Chief Hon.Sylvanus Annantram-Ossai but failed. Chief Hon. Sylvanus Annantram-Ossai human rights were infringed as a detainee who was subjected to torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and threats, and having been on occasions denied the right to contact and visits from family members, and to communicate privately in person with a legal representative. In process of Police officials in this case taking a statement, was an advantage of the situation of Chief Hon.Sylvanus Annantram-Ossai being detained used to try to compel him to confess or to otherwise incriminate himself? RAP-Nigeria after rigorously looking into this case, have reason to believe that Police Violations of Human Rights Standards have occurred in this case as no police officials involved in this case took it upon themselves to investigate the threat of life petition by Mrs Beauty Akpan-Annantram and Chief Hon.Sylvanus Annantram-Ossai against an ex-police officer -Godwill Obielum and a named Prince Anim [working for ex-police officer –Godwill Obielum] who subsequently identified Chief Hon.Sylvanus Annantram-Ossai as a kidnapper; Its disturbing to note that no police official in the SAKS questioned the identification procedure used to identify Chief Hon.Sylvanus Annantram-Ossai as a kidnapper [Was there a line up - did the police preserve the array, or photographed or videotaped the line-up] with reason to believe that a violation has occurred, or was about to occur, and should have reported the matter, before it got to violating stage. In view of this case, RAP-Nigeria believes that the human rights of Chief Hon.Sylvanus Annantram-Ossai & family has been infringed & maliciously abused as :-
An individual on detention and his family non-detained security” also covers threats to the personal security of a legal obligation to take reasonable and appropriate measures to protect liberty as their right to security of person as guaranteed by article 9(1) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, article 6 of the African Charter of Human and Peoples’ Rights, [wrongfully to deprive human beings of their freedom and to subject them to physical constraint in conditions of hardship is in itself incompatible with the principles of the Charter of the United Nations] has been violated as well as with the fundamental principles enunciated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, article 3 of which guarantees “the right to life, liberty and security of person Chief Hon.Sylvanus Annantram-Ossai as everyone charged with a crime has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty and the fact of his deprivation of liberty must be an exceptional measure as stated by Article 9(3) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as in article 5(3) of the European Convention on Human Rights provides that “anyone arrested or detained on a criminal charge shall be brought promptly before a judge or other officer authorized by law to exercise judicial power” and the detained shall be entitled to trial within “a reasonable time” or be released pending trial. Chief Hon.Sylvanus Annantram-Ossai & family has been violated of every Universal human rights according to - ARTICLE 1. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. - ARTICLE 2. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedom set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind. - ARTICLE 3. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person - ARTICLE 5. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. - ARTICLE 6. Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law. - ARTICLE 7. All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. ARTICLE 9. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile. - ARTICLE 10. Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal - ARTICLE 11. Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty - ARTICLE 19. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression. - ARTICLE 20. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. - ARTICLE 21. (1) Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country. - ARTICLE 22. Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realisation....of... economic, social and cultural rights - ARTICLE 26. Everyone has the right to education. - ARTICLE 27. Everyone has the right to freely to participate in the cultural life of the community. - ARTICLE 28. Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realised. - ARTICLE 29. Everyone has duties to the community. - ARTICLE 30. Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying ...any right to engage in any activity...aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein. Chief Hon.Sylvanus Annantram-Ossai unlawful detention in accusation of kidnap has not only distressed and ruined his reputation, but his attempted assassination [evident in Appx.7&8 -with bullet holes on his resident door & arson ] has traumatized his family-Mrs Beauty Akpan-Annantram – his wife and four children of ages 3, 5.11,12, who are in refuge out of home residence of fear of their life security with all their fundamental human rights as enumerated by the Nigerian Constitution under Chapter IV violated as * Right to life. * Right to dignity of human persons. * Right to personal liberty. * Right to fair hearing. * Right to compensation for property compulsorily acquired. * Right to private and family life. * Right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. * Right to freedom of expression. * Right to peaceful assembly and association. * Right to freedom of movement. * Right to freedom from discrimination on the grounds of ethnic group, place of origin, circumstance of birth, sex, religion or political opinion. In conclusion, RAP-Nigeria has involved the attention of The Inspector General of Police in this case to enable Investigations of violations to be prompt, competent, thorough and impartial to identify and apprehend perpetrators with to meet the human rights standard of Superior officers being held responsible for abuses that occurred in this case as expected of all police officers of all positions to respect and protect human dignity. And involved also the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) to use the law as an instrument for social change, with its objective to Promote and protect the principles of the rule of law and respect for enforcement of fundamental rights, human rights and people’s rights in this case, as an example to Nebuchadnezzars’ of the 21st century in Nigeria, that every one has a dignity against abuse of their fundamental human right. It is evident that the maliciousness of this case to violation of human rights stemmed up from difference in opinion in Kingship tussle [Infringing Universal Human rights ARTICLE 19. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; ARTICLE 20. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association; ARTICLE 21. (1) Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country; ARTICLE 29. Everyone has duties to the community.] as everyone has a right to democracy to take part in the government of our country and community with right to choose their own leaders. We live in a free and fair world with proper order so we can all enjoy rights and freedoms in our own country and all over the world with responsibilities of duty to other people, to protect their rights and freedoms. Bearing in mind that the security of the life of Chief Hon.Sylvanus Annantram-Ossai and his family is paramount as from now and after the expected justice prevalence of release of the detainee with compensation for damages is effected, as any further form of ill to this family should occur, named individuals and officials mentioned in this case will be held accountable by the public and petition to Honourable Court to seriously consider the legal issues highlighted in this case as nobody has a right to take away these rights and freedoms from Chief Hon.Sylvanus Annantram-Ossai and his family or any of us in accordance with the Rule of Law and International / Universal Human Rights standards as ARTICLE 6. Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law. And ARTICLE 8. Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted us by the constitution or by law. By RAP -NIGERIA