PRECIOUS MOMENT ……..A WEEKLY COMPASS JOURNALIt is easy for us to get lost in self deception of presuming on ones ability and security of the world either as an individual or as a nation, that we actually loose total focus of who is in control of our lives. Living in false security in the world we live in today is more of presumption upon one’s ability or misplaced trust in idols. This can be seen in our reliance on our plans, daily schedules but somehow forgetting that guaranteed safety and security whether natural or spiritual ultimately is to be found in God himself. Ps.24: 1 1 The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; A volcanic ash cloud from volcano eruption has put a stand still to man’s plans, activity, and idolism this past week. If only we would open our eyes and see that our security is only guaranteed by everlasting covenant, spiritual security in Jesus Christ for our safety from danger and in a sure hope for daily living. Our stability, firmness or unwavering situations – whether emotional, personal or political is an important element of settled life before God. Jere.51:16-19 16 When he thunders, the waters in the heavens roar; he makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth. He sends lightning with the rain and brings out the wind from his storehouses. 17 "Every man is senseless and without knowledge; every goldsmith is shamed by his idols. His images are a fraud; they have no breath in them. 18 They are worthless, the objects of mockery; when their judgment comes, they will perish. 19 He who is the Portion of Jacob is not like these, for he is the Maker of all things, including the tribe of his inheritance— the LORD Almighty is his name. There is an outcry of losses in 100 billion naira a day due to volcano ash cloud by airlines as a result from personal loses. While, travellers sensitivity and sympathy for their needs, and appropriate action on their behalf should be ultimate. I really can not imagine the emotions, mental instability of individuals who are stranded right now and separated from family, work · in a positive way - unfortunately they are rightly inconvenienced by the situation · the negative way – a husband/ wife who would have told their spouse that they were going Manchester for a day and now stranded in California or a staff who took a day off ill and now stranded in Paris. The world is taken unawares by a taste of God’s power, love and wisdom. A world of God’s creation that denies His existence and His action are often described as surprising as this volcano eruption, just as people are surprised at the changes it has made in people’s lives in the past week. Isaiah 54:14 14 In righteousness you will be established: Tyranny will be far from you; you will have nothing to fear. Terror will be far removed; it will not come near you. If only at this hour individuals would reflect by understanding their life backwards to be able to live life forward. Using this unique time to examine their lifestyle – what are your priorities? Is it to stay alive in body and spirit, make plans, stretch your abilities and skills, hustle for a living as never before or decide within this few days to make a meaningful decision to live in the truth of who is in control of your life and divine key to the fullness of the earth. Galatians 3:13-16 13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree." 14He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit. 15Brothers, let me take an example from everyday life. Just as no one can set aside or add to a human covenant that has been duly established, so it is in this case. 16The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. The Scripture does not say "and to seeds," meaning many people, but "and to your seed, meaning one person, who is Christ. Beloved, take this precious moment to be thankful for life and those who are stranded but alive. Rejoice in the peace and joy that only God and His nature can give. Remember we can only be established and secure by serving God each and every day and taking time to pray and worship HIM with every being of our life. By Rev Sophy Wahab © 21/4/2010 |
The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999, sec 43; Married Women's Property Act 1882, sec 1; and Married Women's Property Law 1959, sec 1 (applicable in states created out of the former Western and Mid-Western Region of Nigeria, namely Delta, Edo, Ekiti, Ogun, Ondo, Osun and Oyo) guarantee this freedom. It has been a dilemma over years whether such rights are possible to be exercised and exercising this right is a separate issue. Married Women's Property Act of 1882: ... Marriage Act of 1990, Chapter 218 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria: - The married woman under the Act enjoys equal rights to the family assets acquired during the marriage and to be involved in their disposal during or after the marriage or upon the death of her husband (11). The phenomenon of exercising this right was a reality on Friday 1st March 2019 by Chief Judge of Oyo State, Justice Munta Abimbola at a court held in Ibadan, Oyo State. Where a woman that has children for her ex-husband under a customary marriage before a house is built has the right to live in the house with her children even after divorce under the provisions of the Married Woman Property Act 1882, A headline "Divorce Your Wife, Lose Your House To Her, Oyo Court Rules" [2/3/2019, Nigerian tribune] has been a shock to so many women in Nigeria, but the truth about Nigeria as a whole is that a lot of people do not know their rights and those that do, do not believe in the judicial system because of corruption. To those who still think exercising this right is a separate issue, should brace up with this precedence that has come to stay and set a lot of women free from systematic abused rights in marriages. The case precedence states - The provisions of the Married Woman Property Act 1882 formed the basis of the pronouncement of the Chief Judge of Oyo State, Justice Munta Abimbola, on Friday in a property suit between a divorced couple, Toyin Arajulu, formerly known as Mrs Toyin James and her former husband, Mr James Monday. The court held that “a husband who marries a wife and builds a house during the pendency of the marriage stands the risk of losing that house if he later divorces the woman who had children for him unless such woman, of her own volition, leaves the matrimonial home.” Justice Abimbola, while ruling on the matter, emphasised what is known in law as the “palm tree justice,” which indicates that it does not matter in whose name the property stands or who pays what (on the property) and in what proportion as determination of such matters transcends all rights, legal or even equitable, but simply what order is fair and just in the circumstances of the case, citing the case of Home Vs Home (1962) 1 WLR 1124 at 1128.S 17 Married Woman Property Act 1882, which is a statute of general application. Toyin Arajulu had filed the suit against her ex-husband, Monday James, who she married under Native Law and Customs in 1997 and for whom she had four children.She claimed that while she was married to him, they had put resources together and built two flats of three bedrooms at Ayedun in Akure, Ondo State and procured a plot of land at No 7, Fadana Biala Estate, Olodo, Ibadan, where they built a three-bedroom flat and a storey building which is still under construction before their divorce in July 2014. She averred that before the divorce, her husband had moved out of their matrimonial home in Olodo but only came constantly to try to forcibly eject her and the children, usually accompanied by thugs who attacked her and her children. She added that on August 15, 2014, one of her children, Bidemi James, was wounded in one of the episodes of attempted violent eviction and the sum of N530,000 from her business taken by her ex-husband and his accomplices. She claimed that he had concluded plans to sell off the joint property without her consent and had continued to victimise her and the children, asking the court for a declaration that the property is jointly owned by the two of them and an order that the landed property with the three-bedroom flat and uncompleted storey building be sold and proceeds divided equally between them and an order of perpetual injunction restraining James from harassing her and the children. In his counter claim and defence, the ex-husband stated that when he bought and constructed the Akure property, his wife was a full housewife and had no contribution to the project, adding that the situation was the same for the Ibadan property as his wife only signed as a witness as she had no job and only depended on what he gave her to take care of the children when he travelled out of the country. According to him, she was only trying to fraudulently take over his property, adding that her claims were vexatious, gold digging and an abuse of court process. He also asked the court to declare that the receipts of purchase his ex-wife presented were forged and that she should vacate possession of the property which she had refused to give up despite service of statutory seven days owner’s intention to recover possession and perpetual injunction restraining her from occupying the building. Justice Abimbola, while ruling on the case, held that the landed property at No 7, Fadana Biala Estate, Olodo, Ibadan, together with the three-bedroom flat and uncompleted storey building is jointly owned by the two. On the second relief that both buildings be sold as requested by Toyin, Justice Abimbola held that, “I will not give such orders in respect of the two buildings. Particularly, Section 17 Married Women Law of Oyo state Cap 83, Laws of Oyo state 2000 gives a court the discretion as it thinks fit on the issues of title of possession to property. “Section 18 also enjoins the court to treat such property as a joint property if the issue has to do with the maintenance of a matrimonial home. My order to this effect is that the completed three-bedroom flat on the land be retained as the matrimonial property and the four children are entitled as beneficial owners by way of a resulting trust created for them by their parents. The mother, as long as she remains unmarried, is directed to be in possession undisturbed in order to take care of her children. “The uncompleted storey building is ordered to be sold by both parties and the proceeds divided in equal share. The half share shall go to the wife for the maintenance of the children. A divorced wife has no business being maintained,” Justice Abimbola held. The court also restrained James from harassing Toyin any further or disturbing the quiet possession of the property by her and the children, holding that, “the rationale is that a husband who marries a wife and builds a house during the pendency of the marriage stands the risk of losing that house if he later divorces the woman who had children for him unless such woman, of her own volition, leaves the matrimonial home. Also, a divorced woman is not entitled to any maintenance allowance but maintenance of the children by way of settlement.” |
Anointing is powerful. You can anoint by oil, Holy Spirit, and word of GOD; Through, the blood of the Lamb. The book of Isaiah says, by anointing of the oil; The yoke is destroyed. The book of Psalms says, by anointing my head with oil; My cup runs over. Day and night I anoint everything that concerns me, and My family, near and far. Anointing broke the yoke out of my family. It works by faith and confession of the word. The book of 1John says, with the anointing From the holy one, we know all things. The book of revelations says, anoint your eyes with eye salve; That you may see. Book of Mathew says, anoint your head; When you fast and wash your face. Anointing breaks the yoke. Anointing sets you on fire through the Holy Spirit; To speak in tongues; in understanding Only to our FATHER in heaven. Anointing heals us. Anointing protects us. Anointing blesses us. By anointing lives are saved. By anointing, lives are delivered. By anointing, family are restored. By anointing, barren have children. By anointing, impossible is possible. Overpowering Feeling @ 2001 Extract from POEMS OF HEALING EMOTIONS (c) Sophy Wahab. |