





 RAP Nigeria Line +2348096589565 and  its WHATSHAP has been fraudulently hijacked 1st week of August ; we are dealing with the situation . Any transactions on the name of this foundation through this number and whatshap since then,  is nothing to do with us. Until we remove this alert and retrieve our line/s back, we have nothing to do with any programs and funding through these  means. [Disclaimer] Thank you - 26/8/2024

hand against Covid19
# Sanitise/Wash your hands # 
# Have a salt in water bath [dip your hand calling Name & blood of Jesus 7times and stir 3times Name of the Father, the Son and holyspirit]

  • Please Keep safe from the invincible enemy [  monkey-pox ] by faith and trust.in God.


RAP-Nigeria website is meant to be informative, raise awareness, and bring hope of a means to an end to an abused person or organisation seeking to redress abuse in their organisation/ church/ministry, above all, to bring healing to your abusive situation. It is helpful to us, to hear from you and how this site has helped you, or comments to help improve our service to you by using the comment section on the contact us page.

If you need help please do not hesitate to contact us as an individual, as a group  or organisation - we encourage you to deal with abuse and do not let abuse deal with you / ministry/church/ organisation...

Physical, Emotional, Sexual, Mental and Spiritual abuse.

We cannot help except you contact us. First you have to:

  • Recognise and acknowledge that you are going through abuse.
  • Accept you are not to blame but the abuser who hurt you is wrong.
  • You are not alone, every one has gone through one form of abuse in a Lifetime & is best to deal with it and not allow abuse deal with you
  • Know your rights to be safe to say no, not to deal with it yourself,

Not to keep abuse secret, to be helped to stop the abuse.

  • Know that God still hears prayer and sends help to the deprived.
  • Seek help and support from friends, family and organisations like us.

"That's where we come in as a road to restoration in your life."
R.A.P Nigeria in collaboration with RAP UK is here to Counsel and advice you

 RAP NIGERIA was formed in 2006 as a channel to break the chain of events in your life
